Pet Dental Care

Pet Dental Care

Proper dental care is a key component of your pet’s overall health and wellness. At Sage Creek Animal Hospital in Winnipeg, our veterinarians recommend an annual dental examination for your dog or cat to quickly treat existing issues and try to prevent any new problems from developing.

Why Is Good Dental Care Important?

Dental problems can cause other health problems with your pet and they may also be caused by other health problems. At our veterinary clinic, we do a thorough examination of what we can see in your pet’s mouth and also perform x-rays to see what is happening beneath the gum line at the roots of the teeth or along the jaw. Cavities, tooth decay and inflamed gums left untreated can be a painful problem for your pet. Those conditions can not only cause teeth to fall out they can lead to health problems with other organs, like the heart, liver or kidneys.

What Happens During A Dental Cleaning?

Just like humans, dogs and cats experience plaque and tartar buildup on their teeth. At our veterinary clinic, we use anesthesia during dental cleaning to ensure that the procedure is painless for your pet and that your pet doesn’t get injured by moving near the dental equipment.

Is Gum Disease Common In Pets?

By the time your dog or cat is three years old, he or she will probably already be experiencing periodontal or gum disease. It is the single most common dental condition in pets.

Contact our Veterinary Clinic in Winnipeg

If your pet is overdue for a dental examination or you’ve become concerned about your pet, call our office to schedule an appointment. We’re serving St. Vital, Sage Creek and surrounding areas with the finest in veterinary care. Our office number is 204-255-1150.