Our Veterinarians


Dr. Ray Aslani

Owner / Veterinarian

For Dr. Ray Aslani, working to better the lives of pets as a veterinarian is more than just a job. It’s a fulfilling way of life that he continues to enjoy on a daily basis – helping the area’s families by treating their animal companions is simply what he loves to do! Dr. Aslani is the proud owner and operator of Sage Creek Animal Hospital.
Dr. Aslani—or Dr. Ray, as he’s affectionately known by most of his clients and staff—grew up in Tabriz, Iran. After coming to the United States, he worked in Chicago for a time before establishing Sage Creek Animal Hospital here in Winnipeg in 2013. He’s been tending to the area’s pets and animal owners ever since!
Dr. Ray’s interests outside of work include playing soccer and table tennis, skiing, and spending quality time with his family. He and his wife met in Toronto, and are proud parents to two boys, Araz and Arta.

Dr. Elena Azad


Bio Coming soon!

Dr. Maryam Mirzaie


Meet Dr. Maryam (Mirzaie), a dedicated veterinarian with a profound love for animals and a journey rooted in the nature where she grew up (Iran, Gilan). Dr. Maryam’s childhood was enriched by the splendor of the surrounding forests and the majestic Caspian Sea. It was here, amidst the diverse array of wildlife, that her passion for animals was ignited, laying the foundation for her future endeavors in veterinary medicine. Dr. Maryam Graduated from the Tabriz Veterinary school in 2012. Following her veterinary studies, Dr. Maryam pursued her passion for research, delving into the realm of animal food science as a Ph.D. candidate and graduated in 2017. Driven by a thirst for knowledge, she further honed her expertise through post-doctorate research studies at the University of Manitoba, delving deeper into the complexities of animal nutrition and welfare.
Dr. Maryam undertook the North American veterinary certification exams, earning her license to practice veterinary medicine in 2021 in Canada. Since then, she has been a member of the team at Sage Creek Animal Hospital. She also serves as a locum veterinarian, lending her expertise to various clinics and emergency hospitals. Her medical interests are surgery, nutrition, and dermatology.
Outside of her professional endeavors, Dr. Maryam shares a peaceful life in the countryside with her husband and their two cherished feline companions, Lily and Makhmal. Together, they find solace in the tranquility of nature and the unconditional love of their animal family members.
For Dr. Maryam, the most rewarding aspect of her work is witnessing the joyous wag of a tail, the tender kisses of gratitude from her furry patients, and the radiant smiles on her clients’ faces. These moments of connection and healing serve as constant reminders of the profound impact she has on the lives of both animals and their human companions.