Canada Day Pet Safety Tips

Canada Day Pet Safety Tips

Canada Day is approaching quickly, and, while you might be busy planning a barbeque or fireworks display to celebrate, it’s also important to make a plan to keep your pets safe during the festivities.
Consider the following tips to make sure your pets have a happy Canada Day, too!

Top 4 Safety Tips for Pets on Canada Day


1. Food Safety

A surprising number of human foods are toxic for cats and dogs. Be sure to keep a close eye on your pets to keep them away from table scraps if you’ll be celebrating with a barbeque.

2. Heat Safety

Dogs and cats are at risk of heatstroke which can cause permanent organ damage and even be fatal. Make sure yours have access to shade and plenty of cool water. Better yet – let them stay comfortably cool in an air-conditioned location while you head out and enjoy the sun.

3. Firework Safety

Pets should not be allowed around fireworks displays. Not only is there a real danger of pets getting injured, but many pets are fearful of the noises and flashes. This fear can result in anxiety and/or pets running away in fear and becoming lost. Make sure your dogs and cats are safe and secure inside well before evening when most fireworks displays will begin.

4. Permanent Identification

Whether you’ll be traveling for the holiday or staying home, it’s always smart to make sure your pet has a good form of identification. Ensure that your pet’s collar is secure and their ID tags are up to date.
If you haven’t already, consider getting a microchip for your pet that cannot be lost. Microchips are a permanent form of identification, and they significantly increase the chances of being reunited with a lost pet.

Prepare Your Pets for Canada Day With Our Veterinarians in Winnipeg

If your dogs or cats experience severe anxiety as a result of fireworks on Canada Day, we encourage you to contact Sage Creek Animal Hospital.
We can prescribe a sedative to help your pets stay calm during the celebrations or recommend an over-the-counter product that can help, too!
We also strongly recommend that you have your pets microchipped if you are solely relying on collars and tags for pet identification.
To learn more or schedule an appointment for your dog or cat, we welcome you to contact us today.